London Underground
The London Underground, known as The Tube, is the oldest metro system in the world, opening in 1863. It carries more than one billion passengers a year, with three and a half million journeys made each day, on 11 lines serving 270 stations.
The total length of the underground track is over 250 miles, making it the second longest metro system in the world after Shanghai. The Tube trains travel approximately 52,000,000 miles in a period of just 12 months. That’s the equivalent distance of 2,088 times around the world or 109 trips to the moon and back.
As the sole seating fabric supplier, we have been making custom designed fabrics for underground carriages since it came into existence over 150 years ago. The custom made moquette has been designed with the color of the fabric - allowing passengers to identify each underground line, although in some cases the same fabric runs across multiple lines. With so many iconic designs, London Underground has an established reputation for its carefully designed trains, seating and stations.