Camira StaySafe is an advanced textile treatment, befitting the Covid age, which reduces the potential for viral transmission from fabric surfaces in commercial spaces and bus & coach interiors. When applied to a fabric, this state-of-the-art textile technology destroys viruses and kills bacteria – ensuring upholstery does not act as a potential source of transmission.
How does Camira StaySafe work?
Camira StaySafe works in three simultaneous ways to attract, attack and ultimately destroy the virus. A high powered combination of both silver and liposome technologies, firstly attracts the virus, then attacks the virus membrane, depleting it of cholesterol and allowing the silver to kill the entire virus. This is particularly effective against enveloped virus strains, providing rapid virus deactivation and destruction, while the anti-microbial silver chemistry also inhibits the replication of bacteria.
Camira StaySafe is available on Camira wool, high content wool, wool moquette, polyester and Trevira CS fabrics, and has a minimum order quantity of 25 metres.