Camira Yarns
Camira Yarns are woolen spun yarn specialists for upholstery, apparel, hand-knitting and technical end uses.
Yarn forms the bedrock of woven or knitted textiles for multiple end-use markets,
With specialist capabilities ranging from technical development, blending, carding, spinning and twisting to advanced recycling of wool and cashmere products.
We work with premium natural fiber types, including wool, and environmental blends of wool and plant fibers such as hemp, flax, nettle and jute, enabling us to create inherently flame retardant yarns – without added chemical treatments – which can meet the higher level UK contract FR standard: Crib 5 Medium Hazard.

Our capabilities and specialist machinery cover the following areas, with commission services available for all key processes

Our history goes all the way back to 1863
When we were founded as Stork Brothers Ltd by the Stork family in Huddersfield. So we have honed our craft for more than 150 years, becoming part of Camira Group in 2013, innovating in new environmental yarns for contract and apparel, investing in new technology while preserving age old techniques which have stood the test of time.
We specialize in woolen spun yarns in a wide range of yarn counts and qualities from 100% wool to wool blended with other natural or synthetic fiber types. We’re a committed team of over 50 staff, with flexible shifts for production up to 24 hours a day, enabling us to respond quickly to customer needs, able to process up to 30 tonnes per week.