Transport ECE Reg 118.03 - Introducing Super Trim Plus and Premier Trim Plus
As ECE Reg.118.03 becomes mandatory for first registrations of all Class II and Class III vehicles within the M3 category from 26th July, we're introducing our new and enhanced Super Trim Plus and Premier Trim Plus fabrics.
In order to meet the new ECE Reg 118.03, both Super Trim Plus and Premier Trim Plus are now enhanced with additional flame retardants which enable these to pass both a vertical flammability test, as well as a horizontal test.
These lightweight non-woven products are ideal for roof linings, wall sides, seat backs and luggage compartments in transport applications. Designed to coordinate with plush moquettes, flat cloths and other ancilliary trims, they are both available in a choice of 12 colourways.

Noting this regulatory change in the bus and coach sector, Head of European Transport Sales, Peter Daly, comments:
“Whilst we have been working on enhancing all of our bus and coach fabrics to meet the new ECE Reg 118.03 for some years now, we are delighted to be able to extend our offering to this highly sought after synthetic trim fabric. Knowing how popular our standard non FR trim products are with our customers, we hope that we have solved a problem for many operators and manufacturers working on first registrations of all vehicles affected.”
Keen to understand more about this new piece of legislation? We’ve answered some frequently asked questions below:
What is the purpose of the new ECE Reg 118.03?
In order to improve vehicle safety, the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) have extended Reg 118.00(EC/95/28) through Reg118.01/Reg118.02 and lately Reg118.03. These new regulations see a change to under what conditions the horizontal burning rate and vertical burning rate of materials is tested. In order to pass these, our fabrics have been enhanced with flame retardants which can ultimately save lives by allowing passengers more time to escape the vehicle in the event of a fire.
When was the regulation introduced and can I expect any future changes?
With Reg. 118.02, a series of amendments came into force on the 26th July 2012. The requirements for materials installed in a vertical position regarding the vertical burning rate were extended. These requirements became mandatory on 26th July 2016 for new component types, 26th July 2017 for new vehicle types and on the 26th July 2020, it will become mandatory for first registrations.
It is important to note from the VCA that “that there is no difference between Reg. 118.02 and Reg. 118.03 for the purpose of Camira Transport Fabric Ltd’s approvals as both entail compliance to Annex 7 and 8, if stated on the approval paperwork.” For further information on the difference between the regulations, click here.
Which vehicle types does this affect?
Materials used in vehicle categories M3, Class II and III
“Category M3”: Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat, and having a maximum mass exceeding 5 tonnes.
“Class II”: Vehicles constructed principally for the carriage of seated passengers, and designed to allow the carriage of standing passengers in the gangway and/or in an area which does not exceed the space provided for two double seats.
“Class III”: Vehicles constructed exclusively for the carriage of seated passengers.
Which fabric applications does this apply to?
Reg. 118:03 applies to any materials installed in a vertical position within the bus or coach interior. Essentially this is all fabrics within the interior as this concerns any fabric that is more than 15% from the horizontal (13.5° or greater).
For older vehicles undergoing refurbishment, a refurbishment that involves using the original materials is allowed but any changes in material would have to adhere to the newer regulation.
What materials is it relevant to?
Reg. 118 is relevant to the materials or components used in areas of the vehicle with high flammability risk (engine bay and heater compartments), or high fire impact areas (interior cabin space).
The materials used in the interior compartments (the internal cabin space and passenger areas) and engine bays are installed not only to enhance the acoustic performance of the vehicle, but they should also serve an additional purpose and minimize the risk of flame development and propagation.
Any adhesive agents that are used to attach the material to the supporting structures within the vehicle should also (as far as possible) not intensify the burning behaviour of the material.
Do your other bus and coach fabrics comply with these new regulations?
Yes, we can confirm that all of our other fabrics suitable for bus and coach application comply with ECE Reg. 118:03. To discuss options further, we recommend contacting your Area Business Manager or emailing info@camirafabrics.com